Saturday, November 5, 2011

Creative Bus Stop Advertise

Bus Stop advertising is a great way to explore new ideas and way to market. Stepping away from the traditional way we advertise can really bring something new and create buzz for those brand.
Below have some Examples of Creative Bus Stop Advertising.

988d03ce355cf521d53b6d1ae30636ed 24 Unique Examples of Creative Bus Stop Advertising Guerilla Marketing Example
Bloody bus stop

907db47a07377277faf35781fe8a863a 24 Unique Examples of Creative Bus Stop Advertising Guerilla Marketing Example
Twist bus stop

c053fd0a4a26fa64afcaef9ed640d397 24 Unique Examples of Creative Bus Stop Advertising Guerilla Marketing Example
Fitness First: Bus stop

503a8af9e8061f59c0f1c1802a3760ed 24 Unique Examples of Creative Bus Stop Advertising Guerilla Marketing Example
McDonald’s: Bus stop


Real Hip Hop: Black Power

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